
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Three Tips To Help You Start Losing Weight

By Russ Howe

Let's face it, learning how to lose weight can be a minefield of conflicting, often over-complicated information.

In an industry which is built around providing expensive solutions to dietary problems, from core blasters to detox drinks, it can be very hard to find useful information that just gives you a solid answer when you search for weight loss tips.

In today's post you will pick up three straightforward fat loss tips that have been proven time and time again to work. These tips have been used by almost all of my clients for the last ten years. The best part? They are designed to fit into your lifestyle, and you don't need to become obsessed with seeds or preaching to your friends about how bad their diet is.

Let's begin.

1. Reduce Your Calories

Yes, if you really want to lose weight you need to eat fewer calories. That's just the way it is. The trick is to avoid going too hard, too fast. The vast majority of people who are trying to lose a few pounds for summer tend to make the mistake of drastically cutting their calories overnight and, a few weeks later, find themselves in an impossible situation where they simply cannot lose anything despite eating significantly less food.

This is because one of the key responses to an extreme reduction in calories is to slow the metabolism. Remember, the body simply wants to keep you alive, so it will learn how to function on less fuel if it needs to.

Taking smaller reductions allows you to reap more results. So start reducing your calorie intake by small amounts of no more than 150kcal. After a period of 3-4 weeks, you can reduce further and because the reductions are fairly small you will find it far easier to stick to, while minimizing the adaptations your body can make via slowing the metabolism.

2. Eat The Right Amount Of Protein, Fat And Carbohydrates

After you have set out a new daily calorie intake, you can drive results further by optimizing your macronutrient intake. This will push your results a little faster, and works great if you are also starting to use the gym.

Your macronutrients are protein, fat and carbohydrates. Your body needs each one to survive.

Protein will give your body the fuel to build lean muscle tissue, which will help you to get leaner as you train hard in the gym. Fat will provide your body with enough fuel to aid the production of key muscle building hormones including testosterone and cortisol. Finally, carbohydrates are responsible for energy.

So how much of each macronutrient do you need? Well, a good way to start is to split your daily calories between 40% protein, 20% fat and 40% carbohydrates.

3. Don't Fall For Fads And Gimmicks

Dieting is hard and requires determination and discipline. As such, it can be almost impossible to resist the urge to buy gimmicks which promise easy results for zero effort.

Get lost in the world late night infomercials and you typically find that the only thing losing weight is your bank account. By following the overly restrictive plans attached to such gimmicks, any weight lost is typically only water and results for the vast majority of people disappear when they return to following their normal diet.

And there you have it! Learning how to lose weight is straightforward when you stick to the basics. These three tips will put you on the correct path, and from there you can assess more areas of your diet and make changes when necessary.

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