
Friday, December 9, 2016

Manhattan Chiropractic Offices Offer Natural Pain Management Options

By Selena Chery

Chronic pain sufferers do not have to depend on medication to control their conditions. The discomfort is not the actual problem. It is actually the body's way of sending out an alert that something is not as intended. Manhattan chiropractic offices understand this is not a result of natural aging and have techniques to attend it.

Pharmaceuticals can make an individual comfortable by alleviating pain for a short time. The issue is that they are simply covering up the symptoms cause by a bigger problem.

Times such as those following an acute inflammation flare, injury, or infection, when quick relief may be found through drugs. Prescription medications are typically required after one has a surgical procedure.

Negative side effects are associated with pain pills. Even NSAIDS, easily and commonly purchased over-the-counter, can do damage to an individual's liver when taken for extended lengths of time, because ingested medications pass through it.

A growing number of individuals are turning to holistic practices to manage their chronic pain issues. There are a bevy of natural techniques and methods available that deliver effective solutions to control discomfort.

One, or several, of the following methods for the natural alleviation of pain, may be included in the customized approach a chiropractor devises for a patient.

Meditation, supplements, vitamins and minerals, essential oils, aroma therapies, certain herbs, exercise, diet, physical therapy, therapeutic massage, yoga, acupuncture, electrical muscle stimulation, cold compresses, heat, and spinal adjustments.

The holistic options have no unwanted side effects. However, anyone considering the use of herbal, vitamin, or mineral supplements, would be advised to consult their physician beforehand. There are certain medications that can adversely interact with these substances.

Natural approaches are free of negative effects, cost less, and produce results that last much longer than those of surgery or medication, sometimes even permanently after a chiropractor has corrected the root issue. Before starting to exercise or making major lifestyle adjustments, it is advisable to speak to one's personal doctor.

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